Ping Pong Workout Station | Recommended for Recreational Players
As more and more scientific and medical researches proven that table tennis has numerous benefits for the mind, body and soul. It is a good reason to have your own workout station in your house basement or garage to work out everyday.
The whole set of Workout Station Set 1 is including of the following:
- Table, 15 mm top, Model 201, 1 piece @ $349.00
- Robot, Model S2, 1 piece @ $395.00
- PVC Flooring Mat, 5.9 x 11 feet, 1 piece @ $169.00
- Racket, Model 9A-C, 1 piece @ $89.00
- Balls, Pack-100, 1 piece, @ $55.00
- Pole and Net, XW-924, 1 piece, @ $55.00
Saving freight charge a lot when it is ordered the whole set instead of one by one soon or later.
Total: $995.00